November 2024: Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes
Budget Hearing Meeting Called to order Nov 6th 2024 at 7pm. Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Town residents present were reminded to sign in. Chairman Brad shared that the loan budget payment for 2025 was $114,469.13. Brad shared that due to a technicality from the BCPL Loan organization, the extra payment made this spring was applied to the loan principal, but it did not change the yearly payment because BCPL was not contacted soon enough to make the changes. The board asked the community present if they wanted to levy the township to make the payment, or if they would prefer to not raise taxes more, and take the money from the road budget. Resident Danny Liskie stated that although the school taxes will go down in 2025, an additional levy would raise the town taxes again, just as much as last year. Danny also asked about the Otter Lake bridge, but the board explained that would be county/ DNR expenses. Supervisor Kiel agreed that the additional levy would again raise the taxes from the town, and that he was not in favor of it, as a taxpayer in the town. Supervisor Steve shared that he thought we might want to levy for the money, as we do not want to negatively impact future road budget money from the state. Supervisor Kiel made a motion to approve the general levy and loan levy for a total of $165,333.00. Resident Bob Callahan seconded the motion. The motion went to a voice vote, with 5 yes, 1 no, 3 abstaining, Motion carried. After community discussion, Resident Bob Callahan made a motion to approve the total balanced town budget of $447,607.55. Supervisor Kiel seconded the motion. Motion went to vote, 6 yes, zero no’s, 3 abstaining. Motion carried. The board also wanted to set an approval for the 2025 GTA Funds/ Public Works Budget. Kiel made a motion to approve the road budget at $223,438.42. Resident and town highway crew, Dale Geottl, seconded the motion. Motion went to vote, 6 yes, zero no’s, 3 abstaining. Motion carried.Kiel made a motion to adjourn the budget hearing. Steve seconded the motion, voted on and carried. Meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024