To be read and approved at October Meeting September Meeting Minutes
September 3rd Meeting 7pm Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Jeff read the meeting minutes from the previous meeting. Kiel made a motion to accept the meeting minutes without correction, Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried, Dana read the Treasures report and confirmed that the clerk and treasurer balanced. Public comment period was opened. Kenny Mahlko shared that he thought the sealing on 350th had helped a lot, but he was also interested in more patch work being done on 350th. He also shared that he was wondering about the costs of blacktop on a per mile basis. Kenny was wondering about the new shared revenue and what the money was going to be used for. No more public comment was brought forward. Jeff shared that there was 3 license brought forward. Bobby Joe Manley is purchasing the Curve Inn Bar, and applied for a liquor license. She paid the fees, but was still waiting on some federal numbers. Brad made a motion to accept her application on a provisional basis pending her completed paperwork, fees, publication in the paper, and public comment in October. Kiel second the motion, Motion was voted on and carried. Marlene Potaczek was applied for a operators license in the township. The board reviewed paperwork and Brad made a motion to approve her application pending payment. Kiel seconded the motion, motion was voted on and carried. A mobile home permit was received from Darryl and Elsie Hommrich. The board reviewed the permit paperwork and kiel made a motion to accept the permit pending the payment. Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried. No more permits were brought forward. The board moved to discussing road work. Brad shared that he discussed with the blacktop company that they would soon be cutting and repaving the required section. The board also discussed that the county bridge on otter lake road was hopefully going to be funded via a 2025 Bridge funding. The board discussed that they were in contact with county and the DNR regarding the bridge and the dam in an effort to make the best course of action for replacement. More would be shared hopefully at the Oct meeting. The board discussed with the highway crew about the Blue Granite Gravel on road. The highway crew shared that they thought the granite was not washed boarding on 350th like it had done in the past. Brad also shared his discussion with the engineer, and that the engineer had suggested that the town not apply for the AG road grant as he figured the town did not have a road that met the proper qualifications for the grant. The board discussed another round of ditch mowing to occur on all blacktop roads within the next few weeks. Brad also shared that Dale G planned to replace a destroyed culvert on 150th, that was damaged via logging last winter. Finally Brad shared that Dale had planned for more gravel coming in the next weeks. Expenses paid and reviewed by the board. Meeting date set for 10/01/2024. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded, motion carried meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024