July meeting minutes, read at August Meeting. July Meeting Minutes
Regular monthly meeting was held July 11th at 7:00PM. Members present were Kiel, Steve, Dana, Jeff, and Brad via phone. Kiel called the meeting to order. Jeff read the previous meeting minutes. Steve made a motion to accept minutes without correction. Kiel seconded motion carried. Dana read the treasurer's report and the Treasurer and Clerk accounts balanced. Public comment was opened up to the floor. Kenny Mahalko brought forward public comment regarding shared revenue reports in the paper for other townships. Brad shared that the increase would approximately be 46k annual. Kenny discussed hopes for the township using the funds for resurfacing 350th. Kenny also brought forth the idea of installing a cell tower in the Huron area. Brad and Kiel brought up the fact that state ordinances override any local restrictions in the area. The board discussed that the town has attempted to make contact with cell tower providers but the companies did not have interest anymore at this time. End of public comment. License and permits were brought forth by Jeff. A provisional license was given to Schiedler's Huron Tavern for discussion and public comment at the August meeting. Jeff also brought forward the otter lake booster club's picnic license. Kiel made a motion to approve the license, Steve seconded it, Motion carried. Road work was next discussed. Pike lake/Shady Nook Road work was moving forward as planned. 130th and 170th blacktopping was completed as well. The Shouldering issue on 360th was fixed as well. Brad discussed that grant work was in process and more details regarding those road funds were in process. No more matters were discussed, Meeting date set for August 8th. Steve made a motion to adjourn, Kiel seconded, Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024