Dec 2023 Meeting Minutes Dec 2023 Meeting Minutes
Meeting date Dec 5th, 2023. Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Brad called the meeting to order, and Jeff read the minutes from the previous meeting. The board accepted the minutes without correction. Dana read the treasurer's report and confirmed that the Clerk and Treasurer accounts were balanced. Public Comment was opened, but no public comment was brought forward. No licenses or permits were brought forward. Brad discussed the item of the Stanley Fire Department Contract updates and Costs. Steve read the new rates out for members of the public to hear. Board reminded the township that rates directly impact the town residents as costs are passed to them via established town ordinance. Kiel made a motion to accept and sign the contract and price updates as read. Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried. Brad discussed the Dog Housing Contract with the Zimmerman Family at a rate of $400 per year. The board discussed the contract cost and Kiel made a motion to accept, Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried. The board discussed the formal resignation of Joe Lodhal as the Recycling Center Attendant. Kiel made a motion to accept the resignation, Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried. The board then heard from Chuck W ( Woodford), who is interested in the position. The board discussed having Chuck work with Joe on Dec 16th as a way to learn the ropes before officially starting in January. Kiel made a motion to appoint Chuck for the position. Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried. Road work was discussed between the highway crew and the board. Brad discussed that the town was waiting on the reimbursement negotiations for the large culvert on 130th ave. Dale discussed that the Pressure Washer repair was still in the works as well. The highway crew also discussed appliance removal at the town recycling center, and how they hoped to have them removed before the end of the month. Dale also discussed contacting Steve Schneider again about snow plowing this winter again, and he did not see any issues with that. Next meeting date is set for Jan 2nd at 7pm. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024