Meeting minutes from June 6th meeting. Tuesday June 6th 2023 Meeting Minutes
Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Brad called the meeting to order and Jeff read the meeting minutes from the last meeting. Kiel made a motion and to approve the minutes, Steve seconded the motion, motion carried. Dana read the Treasures report and discussed with the board that the Treasure and Clerk balanced. Public comment was opened and resident Jeff Schefer discussed gravel and plowing concerns on 360th as well as the presence of 3 docks on the public landing on 360th as well. Resident Dany Lisky discussed the ATV access on county Hwy H. Dany and the board exchanged conversation regarding ATV access at the latest county meeting. Strict county standards were discussed and the impacts of them were discussed on how they impacted the township in a negative way. The discussion was brought forward about how some of the county members are for the ATV’s and how others are not. Resident Kiel Morello discussed the gravel on 350th street, and his hopes for blacktop to return to the road. He discussed offering personal funds to the project on his behalf to help make it a possibility. Concerns were also brought up regarding signage for the “G” bridge and the impacts that may occur if proper signage is not addressed by the county during the construction in the future. No more public comment was brought forward. Jeff discussed the liquor license renewal paperwork that came forward for Huron, Pike Lake, Shady Nook, Curve Inn, and Otter Lake Bait Shop. Bartender renewals were also discussed. Kiel made a motion to approve all liquor licenses pending payment.Steve seconded the motion. Motion carried pending payments of all associated fees. Brad brought forward Pike Lake Resort and their concerns regarding speed zones on their road, They are requesting speed zone signs going in and out of the area. They also discussed a seasonal speed bump to be put there. Board discussed the ideas and the costs associated with a seasonal speed bump. Kiel made a motion to install signage now. Steve seconded the motion, motion carried. Road work on the 130th was discussed. The compaction test showed good signs and the plan for paving next week was discussed. Road work on 170th was discussed as well. Plan for paving was scheduled for the upcoming Thursday. Issues regarding the paving was discussed in terms of boat traffic, Amish buggies, and campgrounds. No parking signage was discussed and the hwy crew agreed to address the potential issues. Brad discussed Signage List and Gravel List with the hwy crew. Dale D. discussed that he had a list in place for approximately 44k for gravel. The hwy crew stated they had created a list that they planned to order signage soon. Board discussed 135th ditching and culvert replacement project. The project was disused and tentatively happening within the next few months. The hwy crew discussed that there was going to be a need for two 36’’ culverts present . Pike lake culvert replacement date was discussed, but the final project set date was not yet established. July 11th was selected for the next meeting. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded, Motion carried meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024