May 2nd, 2023 Monthly Meeting Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Brad H., the town chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Jeff ( The clerk) read the minutes from last month’s meeting. Kiel (supervisor #1)made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Steve (supervisor #2) seconded the motion. Motion was voted on and motioned carried. Dana, the town Treasure, read the Treasures statement and indicated that the town clerk and town treasurer accounts were balanced. Public comment was opened for the town residents. Town resident, Dan Liskey, highlighted great walleye and game fish numbers collected from DNR shocking efforts on Otter Lake. Town Resident, Kenny Mahalko, highlighted road work that was still in need of being done on 350th street. Public comment closed. No liquor or permit licenses. Brad indicated he gave residents on Hwy S a notice of non compliance for their trailer house that they pulled in without a permit. 30 day notice was given. Gravel bids were opened from Haas and Chippewa County. 14.18 a cubic yard and 23.28 per cubic yard respectively. Brad did note that Haas indicated town residents can purchase gravel at the same time for $1 more a yard plus tax. Kiel made a motion to accept the gravel bid from Haas. Steve seconded the motion, motion was voted on, motion carried. The BCPL Borrowing loan resolution discussion was brought forth by Brad.Chairman Brad read the borrowing resolution aloud, and word for word at the meeting. Kiel (supervisor #1)made a motion to approve the resolution as read in full by Brad. , Steve (supervisor #2) seconded the motion. The motion then went to a roll call vote. Steve voted yes. Kiel voted yes. Brad voted yes. In total there were three yes votes and zero no votes. Motion carried. WTA board of review training and WTA virtual training was brought up by Brad. He indicated each year a board member needs to complete this training to stay in compliance. Road Work project discussion began with 130th Ave. Bard discussed how changes in employees is causing the project to move from August to June 1st, and that Bob Cox and the other Mennonite Farmer would need to be contacted to avoid the issue of damage. The 170th project would also be done around the same time when the blacktop plant was close to our area. Crack issues were brought up by Brad, and how a bid of 962 dollars for crack filling was received. Kiel made a motion to approve the crack filling bid, Steve second, motion carried. The topic of patching was brought up as well, and the plan is to start in the next week. Brad discussed the remainder of the HWY budget.He also stated the higher than last year fuel and sand charges of 6600 and 9000 respectively. The board discussed the plan of no prep for 2024 roads during this year, until more information comes in for gravel and prices associated. The hwy department discussed gravel needs and the board asked the hwy crew to take note on gravel needs and sign needs, so costs can be added to the budget at the next meeting. Brad discussed a road grant that the town could apply for. Engineering services are required in order to have success to receive the grant. Brad stated that the town has 5 years to use the money if we are granted the loan. If we are not granted the loan, we could reapply next year. Brad indicated that G bridge closure is next year, and the S bridge between G and H will be limited to 20 tons. Kiel made a motion to hire the engineer for $500. Steve second the motion, motion carried. Kenny M discussed the idea of 350th being a temporary county road but Brad discussed that the county has stated they have no interest in doing so. Private property snowplowing was brought up, but issues that can/could happen have been a topic of discussion and concern for the town. Costs and liabilities also were addressed. Bills were reviewed and paid. Next meeting was scheduled for June 6th. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded the motion. Motion carried and Meeting Adjourned. Comments are closed.
August 2024