Read the meeting minutes from the last meeting. 05/07/2024 Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, and Jeff. Jeff read the meeting minutes from the previous meeting . Kiel made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as read without correction. Steve seconded, voted on and was carried. Brad read the Treasurer's report, and confirmed that the Clerk and Treasurer balanced. Public comment was opened up for the town residents. Town resident Kenny M. brought up his thoughts of having the County paving the Otter Lake day use park road before the town paved the remainder of Otter Lake road. Kenny also shared his thoughts that the town should repave the part of the dump road that is currently gravel. Lastly, Kenny shared the idea of a Monopole cell phone tower by the Huron area as a means to increase cell service. No more public comment was brought forward. The board asked about licenses and permits, and Jeff shared that none were present at that time, but Liquor License renewal notices were going out on Wednesday morning. The board moved to opening sealed bids for paving. Starting with Paving bids, the town received bids for 165th Ave from CTH H to 361st Street. Monarch Paving provided a bid total at $116,439, while Chippewa County provided a bid total of $121,198. For paving 361st from 165th Ave to Thorpe Rd. Monarch’s bid was $66,775.32 while the County bid was $67,783.99. The board discussed the bids and the budget. Kiel made a motion to Accept Monarch’s bid for 165th Ave project, while deleting the smaller paving section altogether from the planned projects. Steve seconded the motion, Motion was voted on and was carried. The board discussed with Monarch about a pulverizing timeline in hopes to give the road as much time as possible to settle in the rain/traffic. Monarch was hopeful for a quick start time and would reconnect with the Chair soon. The board moved to opening sealed bids for Paving. The town received sealed bids for crack filling/sealing on portions of 170th Ave, 365th St, 290th, 292nd, 296th, and 170th ave. Three bids were received with Superior Sealers LLC bidding at $11,217.00, Thunder Road Sealers at $12,880.00, and Seal Tech Inc. at $13,298.75. The board reviewed all bids and Kiel made a motion to accept the bids from Superior Sealers LLC at $11,217.00. Steve seconded the motion, motion was voted on and was carried. The board moved to opening sealed bids for Gravel. The town only received 1 bid for gravel from Haas Inc. The bid documented ¾ Dense Base and 1 ¼ Dense Base at $15.90 a cubic yard price. Haas also provided ¾ Blue Granite Base bids at $18.97 a cubic yard. The Haas bid also indicated that town residents could buy gravel at the same time for $1 more a yard during their hauling time. The board discussed gravel size, quality, and possibly testing it. Kiel made a motion to accept the gravel bid from Haas, Steve seconded, motion was voted on and was carried. The board moved to discussing Insurance rates for liability coverage with quantities of 1-2, 2-4, and 3-6 Million. After board and town resident discussion Kiel made motion to move the town liability rates to the 2-4 Million or “Mid Level” coverage at a price of $7153. Steve second the motion, motion was voted on and carried. The board discussed additional road work. Chairman Brad discussed 911 addressing changes that were coming from Chippewa County. Brad shared that the county was going to contact individuals along Otter Lake that had multiple addresses on one driveway, and that the driveway was going to be changed to a Private road. This change would include new signs and new addresses. The county would be providing the new signs, but the town would be responsible for installation and maintenance of the sign only, not the private road itself. Brad shared that the grant for the 350th project was unsuccessful this grant cycle, but he also shared that the 2025 Paving project would be soon on the horizon for planning purposes. Brad also shared that County Patch materials would soon be available and that the highway crew was beginning to address road sign repair and replacement. Additionally, Brad shared that the mowing of the town lawn/lot was changing in price from $10 to $20, due to the change in overall size. The board and town residents moved to discussing gravel quality and dust control. Town resident Dan Holub discussed gravel quality and the use of Calcium Chloride ( Pickle Juice) for dust control. The board agreed to explore options for both and Brad would contact the town of Thorp in an effort to get prices on Calcium Chloride. Meeting date set for June 11th at 7pm. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve second, motion carried, meeting adjourned.
Comments are closed.
December 2024