Regular Town Meeting Tuesday February 2, 2021 7:00 pm at Colburn Town Hall Meeting was called to order by chairman Brad Hompe. Board members present included Brad Hompe, Kiel Morello, Steve Sime, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Kathy presented the minutes from last meeting Kiel motion to accept, Steve seconded – motion carried
Dana presented the treasurer’s report. The bank balances were: AbbyBank CD: $63,652.75 Forward Financial Checking: $554,353.44 Public Comment: Dan Liske said the property from the county trails from both sides so ice fishermen can access the lake. The Otter Lake Booster club installed a hand rail to help fishermen to get up the hill. Eva from Rural Mutual Insurance: Kathy will get a land parcel id number for the land at Otter Lake. Eva is going to reevaluate the building and structures and compare them to our current property. Eva also went over workers comp policy also. Licenses and permits: None ATV routes and applications: We have until March 1st to appeal the ATV applications. Kiel made a motion to support the appeal application process. Steve second, motion carried. Road work update and discussion: Grader work is done. Brad went over the roadwork budget for 2021 and the different options for 2021 projects. Kiel made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded – motion carried. Next meeting March 2, 2021 Kathy Yeager, Clerk February 2, 2021 Comments are closed.
December 2024