Town of Colburn Monthly Meeting 5/3/2022 Board members present were Brad Hompe, Steve Sime, Kyle Morello, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Brad Called the meeting to order and Kathy presented the minutes from the February meeting. Kyle made a motion to approve-seconded by Steve. Motion carried. Dana presented the Treasurer’s report. Clerk and Treasurer reported balancing.
Public Comment: Gray Fritz asked what was paid in total for the aerators. Dana gave an update. Bob C. mentioned that the water handle located outside is broken and asked if there is a hall cleaning schedule No licenses and permits. Superior Sealers was the only bid submitted for crake sealing. The bid is for 170th from Hwy D to 322nd , 365th Street from 140th Avenue North to the end and 290th Street to 292nd Street. Keil made a motion to accept the bid at $8,108.00, Steve second motion carried. ARPA Funding: Kathy submitted the required report to the state. Brad will add discussion on spending the funds to next month’s agenda. Infrastructure Bill: After the day after the April meeting the board met and changed the application from 157th to 350th. The patch from Hwy 64 to Hwy S. Brad sent the information to six different consultants to help with the grant application. The consultants must have their information back in by May 9th and the board will meet on May 10th at 6pm to select the consultant they want to work with. The consultant must have the grant submitted to the state by June 3rd. These funds do not count against GTA funding. Road work update: Waiting on Jewel for their agreement for 130th Avenue. Brad will add this to June’s agenda. Otter Lake road is black top company is backed up to at least late June. They are going to do one lane at a time so the road can stay open. Some patching needs to be done and will try to complete in May. A sign list needs to be completed. Gravel destination discussion will wait until June meeting. Dale will start the hall roof at the end of June. Expenditures were reviewed and approved by the board. Next meeting is scheduled for June 7th. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded-Motion carried. Kathy Yeager, Town Clerk May 3, 2022 Comments are closed.
December 2024