Regular Town Meeting Tuesday June 1, 2021 7:00 pm at Colburn Town Hall Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Brad Hompe. Board members present included Brad Hompe, Kiel Morello, Steve Sime, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Kathy presented the minutes from last meeting Kiel motion to accept, Steve seconded – motion carried
Dana presented the treasurer’s report. The bank balances were: AbbyBank CD: $63,967.42 Forward Financial Checking: $207,174.10 Public Comment: Dale Dubiak mentioned that maybe we should compensate Mr. Raether for trapping the beavers on 192nd. Licenses and permits: Kiel made a motion to approve the licenses for the area bars pending payments Steve seconded, motion carried. Brad did some research on regulating campers and our mobile home ordinance does apply to campers. The town could regulate the campers but through a nuisance ordinance. Brad also mention that if someone is living in their camper health and safety people with the county will take a look. Road work update and discussion: Culverts will be coming in to Hilco next Monday. Then will have to schedule a time with Jim Westaby. The signs are here and need to be put up. Steve will take a look at the old plow truck’s filters. Grading and Graveling: Waiting on a few spots to dry out. Dale has put on 70 loads of gravel and have 30 more to go. Patching will be done next week. Mowing will start in July and possible to a second mowing to get further in the ditch. Dale Dubiak, stated that he was not impressed with brushing. Kiel made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded – motion carried. Next meeting July 6th, 2021 Kathy Yeager, Clerk June 1, 2021 Comments are closed.
December 2024