Regular Town Meeting Tuesday July 6, 2021 7:00 pm at Colburn Town Hall Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Brad Hompe. Board members present included Brad Hompe, Kiel Morello, Steve Sime, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Kathy presented the minutes from last meeting Kiel motion to accept, Steve seconded – motion carried. Dana presented the treasurer’s report. The bank balances were:
AbbyBank CD: $64,048.97 Forward Financial Checking: $230,775.21 Public Comment: Ken Mahalko asked if the base that was used for 350th was ¾ inch rock, Brad confirmed that it was. Ken also mentioned that the repairing of the roads are nice and smooth. Ken also was wondering if the town applied for the ARPA funds. Brad mentioned that we will be talking about that later in the meeting. Licenses and permits: Kiel made a motion to approve a picnic license for Otter Lake Booster Club and an operator’s license for Dan Liske Steve seconded, motion carried. Between the May and June meetings Kathy applied for the ARPA- Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds. The town does not know how they would use the money because of the very straight rules on what the funds can be used for. The town was awarded a total of $92,945 and we received half the money already. The other half comes in six months. As of now the only way the town could spend the money is on broadband expansion. No discission has been made until the final criteria comes out from the state. Russ from Chippewa Valley Electric came to discuss the WI Broadband Grant Program. CVEC teams up with NTERA from Barron, WI. They offer fiber internet service. The grant is for $100 million dollars and does have some restrictions. Russ discussed the restrictions and went through the steps of the grant. Road work update and discussion: Mowing of ditches will start tomorrow. Some signs are up. Patching and gravel are done. 140th, west of Otter Lake Road, needs to dugged out patched. No more problems with the old plow truck since the filter was changed. Payroll and bills were reviewed and approved. Kiel made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Steve seconded – motion carried. Next meeting August 3rd Kiel will chair Kathy Yeager, Clerk July 6, 2021 Comments are closed.
August 2024