Regular Town Meeting Tuesday October 5, 2021 7:00 pm at Colburn Town Hall Meeting was called to order by chairman, Brad Hompe. Board members present included Brad Hompe, Kiel Morello, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Kathy presented the minutes from last meeting Kiel motion to accept, Brad seconded – motion carried. Dana presented the treasurer’s report. The bank balances were:
AbbyBank CD: $64,291.58 Forward Financial Checking: $243,809.96 Public Comment: Bob Callahan asked if the town received a bill for gravel that was delivered to him. Brad told him that Haas should have billed him directly. Bob was also at the ambulance meeting and he thought the amount that they bill us will be decreasing for 2022. Kathy will check into it. Licenses and permits: None ARPA Funds: Estimated amount that will be added to the budget is $46,651.39. Everyone is still waiting for the final rule. Budget: Kiel made a motion to approve overall preliminary budget at $326,917.53 and they highway maintenance and construction budget at $245,157.53. Brad second motion carried. The budget meeting will be scheduled for November 2nd at 7pm before the regular town meeting. Road work update and discussion: Brad gave an update on roadwork: gravel is on 170th and pulverizing will begin next week. Mowing of the ditches is done. There is still some matching that needs to be done. LRIP funds meeting is scheduled for the end of the month of October. The amount of the LRIP grant is approximately $20,000. Those funds will be used in a 2023 project. The town is also going to try to apply for the TRIP funds. Brad will be working with Jewell and associates to help write a grant for Town Line Road with the cost being $500. Kiel made a motion to sign the contract with Jewell to write the grant. Brad second, motion carried. Kiel made a motion to approve the anticipated two-year road projects for the LRIP grant application process. Brad second motion carried. Brad mention that he went and measured the tree that was brought up at the September meeting. The tree is still alive, and stump is out of the right of way. The town cannot do anything about it. Brad did call the electric company to take another look at it. He has not heard back from them at this time. Payroll and bills were reviewed and approved. Kiel made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Brad seconded – motion carried. Next meeting November 2, 2021 Kathy Yeager, Clerk October 5, 2021 Comments are closed.
December 2024