Town of Colburn Monthly Meeting 02/01/2022 Board members present were Brad Hompe, Steve Sime, Kyle Morello, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Brad Called the meeting to order and presented the minutes from the November meeting. Kyle made a motion to approve-seconded by Steve. Motion carried. Dana presented the Treasurer’s report. Clerk and Treasurer reported balancing.
Public Comment: Gary Fritz asked if Chippewa County paid their portion of the aerators. Awarding of paving bid: Asphalt’s bid came in at $163,049 and Chippewa County came in at $146,182. Asphalt’s bid is an exact bid while the County’s bid is an estimate. With oil prices on the rise and the county having an estimate not an exact price Kiel made a motion to approve the bid from Asphalt, seconded by Steve, motion carried. Jammie Goodrich and Stephanie Goebel applied for an operator’s license. Both have their certificates and pay the $10 fee. Kiel made a motion to approve the operator’s license-seconded by Steve, motion carried. CT Form/GTA Funding: Kathy will be meeting with other area clerks to get input to see if amending the 2019 CT form would benefit the town. ARPA Funds: The final rule has been decided. 100% of funds can be used for government services. Infrastructure Bill: Federal government came out with this bill with a large percentage of the money being dedicated to local town roads. Application process opened today February 1st for construction only, no design or engineering fees. Project is an 80/20 match and funds must be dedicated by August and project finished by next year. There will be a second round for engineered road starting in March. Road work update: Radios are in the trucks, Road weight limits: state patrol is doing a big training with the sheriff’s department to step up enforcing weight limits. The town must have, and ordinance and the roads must be signed for the police to enforce the limits. A decision was made to create an ordinance for class b roads. The roads will stay the way they are for spring limits. Will look at roads that need to be crack sealed, Brad will post in paper. Brad will also post for gravel bids also. Decision on brushing will be held off until next month. Expenditures were reviewed and approved by the board. Next meeting is scheduled for March 1st. Kyle made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded-Motion carried. Comments are closed.
December 2024