Town of Colburn Monthly Meeting 6/7/2022 Board members present were Brad Hompe, Steve Sime, Kiel Morello, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager Brad Called the meeting to order and Kathy presented the minutes from the May meeting. Kiel made a motion to approve-seconded by Steve. Motion carried, Dana presented the Treasurer’s report. Clerk and Treasurer reported balancing.
Public Comment: Gray Fritz asked what was paid in total for the aerators. Dana gave an update. Bob C. mentioned that the water handle located outside is broken and asked if there is a hall cleaning schedule Kiel made a motion to accept the annual renewals of the beverage and operator’s license. Stanley Sportsman’s Club applied for a picnic license for June 11th and Dan Liske renewal of his operator’s license. Steve 2nd the motion. With the contingent of payment and no public objections. Bob Irwin, the assessor, is retiring and his daughter Natalie is taking over his business. The contract is for three years (2023, 2024 and 2025) with the amount totaling $5,600, an increase of $300. Updates on: 170th – paving will be done the week of June 20th (weather permitting) 170th Grant: no news (plans for TRIP funds next year) 130th – the town can put the culverts in on this project. The town has to pay all the expenses up front with reimbursements. The project has an approximate cost of $28,000. The project will happen over 2 years, 2022 and 2023. Kiel made a motion to accept Jewell’s contract. 350th grant: Cedar Corp Engineers was selected to write this grant. The total project estimate is 1.5 million with the town share being 300,000 dollars. This must be paid when the road is done and completed in 2026. Brad handed out the road work budget estimated expenses being $266,688 and the town budgeted $194,938. The town had reimbursements in the amount of $6,788 from culverts and flood. The roadwork budget falls short of $64,962. Brad proposed the town uses $65,000 in ARPA funds to cover the shortfall. Kiel made a motion to approve the roadwork budget and Steve second, motion carried. Kiel made a motion to approve the culverts to be purchased from Hilco, Steve seconded, motion carried. Kiel made a motion to apply for culvert aide for the year of 2023. Steve second motion carried. Signs were ordered from the county and for class D signs. Crack sealing is done. Dale does have a plan for gravel Expenditures were reviewed and approved by the board. Next meeting is scheduled for June 12th. Kyle made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded-Motion carried. Kathy Yeager, Town Clerk June 7th, 2022 Comments are closed.
December 2024