Regular Town Meeting Tuesday September 14, 2021 7:00 pm at Colburn Town Hall Meeting was called to order by chairman, Brad Hompe. Board members present included Brad Hompe, Kiel Morello, Steve Sime, Dana Hartzell and Kathy Yeager. Kathy presented the minutes from last meeting Kiel motion to accept, Steve seconded – motion carried. Dana presented the treasurer’s report. The bank balances were:
AbbyBank CD: $64,209.73 Forward Financial Checking: $257,067.69 Public Comment: Ken Mahlko received a letter and in 2023 a portion of Hwy 64 will be resurfaced. Ken called the county and asked if the county could make 350th from Hwy 64 to Hwy D a temporally county road. The gentleman would have to talk to the hwy commissioner. He also stated that there is nothing in the plans as of now to do any improvements to the bridges until 2026. Bob Stopka would like to thank the grader guy for how good of a job he did on Otter Lake Road and all the other roads in Colburn. Bob also mentioned that there is a bad tree on his road and if the tree would ever fall there would be no way an ambulance could get back to his house or his neighbors. Licenses and permits: an operator’s license was submitted for Vivian Boyles. She has the proper paperwork and fee is paid. Kyle made a motion to approve this operators license, Steve seconded motion carried. Roof replacement on town hall: Dale Goettl gave the town a bid for $14,000. That would be stripped and screwed in metal. Kiel made a motion to do the roof now, Steve seconded, motion carried. ARPA Funds: The final rule is still not out. Kathy is still finalizing the amount that the town could use for road projects. We have an estimate of $30,000. Road work update and discussion: This fall is sign up for LRIP grant that the town will be eligible for approximately $20,000. Otter Lake Road from the G to the Damn bridge is 1.6 miles. Kiel made a motion to extend this project to 1.6 miles from 1 mile. Steve seconded; motion carried. Other work: patching on 140th west of the lake and by the bridge along with other pothole here and there. Mowing the black top ditches one more time. Adding a pod, that would add about 22 more inches on to the mower, that would get the mower deeper into the ditches. The price of the pod is $1,300. Kiel made a motion to approve the purchase of the pod, Steve second, motion carried. Working with the current budget, Brad proposed that we had enough for another 45 more loads of gravel. Kiel made a motion to approve the extra 45 loads, Steve second, motion carried. Dale mentioned that the grader could use another set of blades and another snowmobile crossing signs. Kathy gave an update on the new website. The new website name is Payroll and bills were reviewed and approved. Steve made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Kiel seconded – motion carried. Next meeting October 5, 2021 Kathy Yeager, Clerk September 14, 2021 Comments are closed.
August 2024