December Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: December 6th, 2022 at 7pm Members present were Brad H., Kiel M., Steve S., and Jeff Milas. Dana was absent. Meeting was called to order by Brad H. Jeff read the minutes from the last meeting, Kiel approved and Steve seconded. Brad read the treasurer's report and discussed the balancing process between the Treasurer and Secretary accounts, and how that was a challenge due to Quickbooks not working. Brad opened the room up for public comment, and questions were asked regarding the dump hours of operation. Ron H. also asked about the resolution he had proposed last meeting, and Brad clarified the resolution would go to vote at that meeting. No licenses or permits. The resolution to abandon the public right-away, Resolution 2022-12-01 was discussed and reviewed by the board and the public. The motion was voted on by the board with three yes votes and zero no votes.Motion carried and resolution was adopted. Roadwork update was discussed by Brad, and he discussed that the engineer was putting together the final materials to allow the town to prepare bids and loans. Brad discussed that he would also post the bid notice for blacktop for another project in the township at the same time. No updates on Culverts replacements and no updates on grants for roads projects yet. Brad discussed the state program for loan application through the towns as a way to fund summer road construction projects, as the process is simple and easy to complete. Kiel discussed the issue with GFL and failure to pick up garbage. GFL claimed snow issues but Kiel noted the snow was not an issue for small cars. Kiel discussed the pick up schedule to make sure garbage is being picked up at the current schedule agreed on. He also discussed the possibility of 1 more pick up a month, but costs would have to be discussed in more detail. Brad discussed the options for Quickbooks and costs moving forward. The board discussed making a choice to purchase an updated version for the town so the clerk could use the program that worked. Next meeting data and caucus date were set for Jan 3. Caucus at 7 and meeting to follow. Meeting adjourned by Brad, approved by Kiel and seconded by Steve. Comments are closed.
December 2024