February Meeting Minutes Feb. 7th 7:00 PM Members present were Brad H., Kiel M., Dana H., and Jeff Milas. The meeting was called to order by Brad and seconded by Kiel. Jeff read the minutes from the last meeting. Kiel approved the minutes without correction and Brad seconded. Dana provided the Treasurer report. Brad opened the floor for public comment, no public comment was brought forward. Brad opened the bids for projects. Brad began with the one and only bid for the 170th paving job. The bid was from American Asphalt for 99,394.46. American Asphalt’s representative, Preston, was present to confirm. Brad made a motion to accept the bid as is, Kiel seconded the motion, motion carried. Motion carried. Brad opened the other bids for the 130th project. The quest system was used and three bids were received for it. A-1, Haas, and one from McCabe. A-1 was the low bidder at 610,889.08. Brad discussed concerns with the costs due to state reimbursement limitations. Brad discussed with engineers about cost saving such as culvert replacement, 350th asphalt limits, and sign replacement. These brought prices down to 585,767, with the possibility of future saving of 7200 if pit run is not needed in one location of the road but that is to be determined. Brad did note for the record that after itemization, and recalculation, Haas actually came in lower. State however does not allow us to change bidders and we must take the lowest bid no matter what. Brad made a motion to expect the lowest bid of A-1 excavating due to state statutes. Kiel seconded the motion. The motion carried. Annual dog contract with Zimmerman Family was discussed and cost savings over Human society was stressed. Kiel made a motion to complete a contract with Zimmerman, Brad seconded the motion. Motion carried.No other licenses or permits. Jeff presented the poll worker list to the board. Kiel made a motion to approve election inspectors, Brad seconded the motion. Motion carried. Brad discussed applications for grants and engineering stipulations/restrictions for more town road projects. More applications to come in the future. Brad discussed Bridge Historical society mitigation risk for G Bridge. Board discussed with the public about having them contact Stanley Historical society and/or placing a plaque on the new bridge. Brad discussed future ATV routes on County and Town Roads coming in the future. Meeting scheduled for March 14th. Kiel motioned to adjourn, Brad seconded, meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024