Regular Meeting Minutes Tuesday November 1st, 2022 7:00 PM at Colburn Town Hall Regular Monthly Meeting November 1st,2022 Regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Brad Hompe. Members present were Brad Hompe, Keil Morello, Steve Sime. Along with the Clerk Jeff Milas and Treasurer Dana H. Jeff M read the minutes from the last month. Kiel motioned to accept the minutes as read, Steve seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dana read the treasures report. Brad asked what clubs had donated so far this year and indicated the booster club still needed to donate. Brad asked about the balance form for Treasurer and Clerk. The form was not present due to a mix up with Kathy the form clerk, and Brad indicated that we need to balance the form and keep a copy for file next meeting to avoid a forced audit. Brad opened the room for public comment. Ron Huzage brought forward the topic of abandoned a portion of road/driveway on some of his property. Brad discussed how Ron had called about his newly purchased lots around a right away on his property. The right away was for the future town road and Ron wanted the right way to go away. Brad stated that he had researched state statues regarding the process and how their were multiple ways to resolve the situation. He stated that Ron could petition with neighbors to abandoned the property, or the town could make a resolution to abandoned the right away. Brad indicated that topic would need to follow protocol and be on the agenda for the next meeting. Steve S asked to clarify the location of the right away and Ron discussed where the farm was in relation to his residence on H. Ron explained that he had talked with the surveyor Bob Irwin about how he would have to get rid of the lot lines and remove the easement in order to make the property one big chunk rather than multiple parcels. Ron explained that the easement had to come out in order to make the properties to be connected back together. Ron expressed that he had no plans for development now that he owned the property and wanted to save costs for having the easement removed. Brad H indicated that even if a future owner wanted an easement that there was no way the town would want to take on that burdon of building their own road. Brad expressed that he would need to develop a resolution for the next meeting and that Ron would need to get the exact legal description to the property to put in the resolution. He stated it takes a good chunk of time somewhere near 40 days. Brad indicated he would need Ron to get all the materials and legal description to him before placing it on the agenda. Brad opened up the floor for more public comment. There was none. Brad asked if there were any licenses or permits from Kathy. There were none from her but he did have a contact for the new owner of the Curve Inn Tavern, Doug Dahl, who was looking to get a transfer of liquor license. He requested that Jeff make contact with Doug about getting the proper paperwork. Brad discussed the pay of poll workers and chief inspector for the election. He stated that the topic was discussed earlier but was not acted on it. He discussed wages with workers and explained feedback indicted that they wanted a raise. He talked with the town of Delmar and how they were paying $20 and hour. Brad suggested we did not have to match the rates but we should be competitive. Brad stated that the rates of wages have went up for everyone else and that the need was still present. Dana asked what happens if the positions are not filled and Brad stated that the town is responsible regardless. Kiel stated that he felt wages should go up 10 and 12 for the workers and chief inspector respectively. He felt wages should be $20 for workers and $24 for chief. He stated the increase is a lot, but it is for the purpose of keeping experienced people happy and working for the town. Brad stated the raise was necessary but that the town did not have to meet the town of Delmar’s rates. Kiel made a motion to raise the rates to $20 for the workers and $24 for the chief. Steve seconded the motion. Kiel questioned the start time for elections, and Brad indicated that 6:30 was the start time and that other costs like hauling election materials was also necessary. He indicated that these other factors like mileage. Motion was voted on and Motion carried. Brad and Dana calculated the updated costs for total election workers, for each election. Brad indicated changing election costs to $4400 to meet the new changes. Brad discussed making final changes to the 2023 budget and indicated for Jeff to change the legislative board to increase by $2,000 to a total of $10,400. The clerk increased by $400 to a total of $8600. The election went up to $4400, and the treasurer went up from 7300 to 7700. He indicated the legislative board went up $1400. He indicated that $4200 had to come off the public works road budget to account for the changes. Kiel asked to clarify on the recycling center wage/costs and they were confirmed correct by Brad. Kiel made a motion to accept the 2023 budget while including the new changes to the budget. Steve seconded the motion and the motion carried. Brad requested a motion to approve the new road budget at 258,125. 86. Kiel made the motion to approve the estimate, and Steve seconded it. Motion carried. Brad requested a motion to approve the levy at $104,932. Keil made the motion to approve the levy for the record and Steve seconded it. Motion carried. Brad brought up the CT Form audit progress. He contacted the outfit in Cornell and they were able to identify that the new truck did not receive credit on the form. Brad relayed the information that the man from the department of revenue had incorrectly told Kathy that the incorrect CT form did not impact the town. It was discovered that it does impact the town and will do so until 2023. Brad indicated the error was found and that a letter and revised form was going to be sent out to the Department of Revenue to get 2023 funds raised hopefully. Brad contacted the insurance company but they indicated that the company will not cover the issue. The insurance company referred him to the Bond company, but the Bond Company representative contacted Brad to tell him that if a claim is proceed, the company typically goes after the individual. Brad stated the intent of going after the former clerk is not present because it was a mistake and not theft. He stated he felt the action should be left to rest and Kiel and Steve agreed. Brad discussed how the audit company would be willing to work with Jeff the new clerk, as a trainer. Brad stated the rate of pay would be $20 an hour to assist. Kiel made a motion to accept the trainer fee for the new clerk and Steve seconded it motion carried. Brad discussed the road budget sitting at $294,943 for expensive for roads this year and that we are budget at $246,513 and 46000 of Arpa funds will put us flush. Brad budget sits good so far and can be revisited. Brad indicated that no money was award for 130th ave but he was working with the engineer and costs were at $636,000 for an estimate and that there is an 8 foot arch culvert that needs to be done at 60,000. A total of $696,000 would be required if all done by a contractor. Brad discussed with the engineer that digging out a portion of 130th would cost a great deal and that the engineer suggested only adding an extra base to it. This would be a great saving. Dale G discussed that the road would more than likely be cordaried road below, and that peat bog might be below.. The engineer proposal would avoid and excavation, add extra based, and then fix soft spots. Brad suggested leaving the base of the road alone in an effort to avoid issues and save money. He indicated the engineers first idea was to dig but had now changed. Brad discussed how the engineer costs were sitting extremely high compared to local costs. Brad indicated local bids would more than likely be lower. Brad indicated the arch culvert was not going to be a part of the project. The culvert was 24000 and 5000 to put it in with the contractors. Brad believed the cost would be 30,000 but half would come back after a year for culvert aid. The engineers wanted the work done right away, to meet deadlines. Brad indicated that doing the process ourselves can save money but we get 50% match for doing this an entire project if we bid it out. Brad indicated that to make changes to who did what on the project could raised costs to $570,000 without the culvert. Brad indicated that culvert was rusted on the north end but he did not test integrity with stakes. He indicated the rust holes were not even in the water end. Steve asked what it would take to make the culvert change after, but Brad indicated the cost would be small but it would still be a change. Brad indicated that the DNR would not let the culvert be made larger and that he had already set up plans for the paperwork to be sent to the town. Brad discussed the costs of the project are being pushed up for culvert costs as well. Brad further discussed costs per gravel were off by 15,000. Brad discussed no excavation, changes in culvert size, and gravel costs being lowered. He indicated having the engineer rerun costs. The culvert by pike lake was discussed by Brad and Dale G. They discussed the costs of trench boxes, multiple backhoes. Next meeting date set by Brad. Brad discussed the contract battle with GFL, and after discussing with the office they are working to write up a new contract for the township. Brad also brought up discussing rates with the township and garbage and recyclable rates. Kiel made a motion to adjourn. Steve Seconded it. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
December 2024