TOWN OF COLBURN Board of Review Tuesday September 5 th, 2023, 6pm to 8pm 1. Call to order. 2. Confirmation of appropriate BOR postings/open meeting notice by clerk 3. Select BOER chair. 4. Verify BOR training. 5. Verify ordinance in place for confidentiality of income and expense information provided to the assessor under state law (Wis. Stat. 70.47(7)(af). 6. Adoption of policy regarding sworn telephone testimony and sworn written testimony. 7. Adoption of policy regarding procedure for waiver of BOR requests 8. Filling and summary of Annual Assessment Report by Assessor 9. Receipt of assessment roll by clerk from assessor 10. Review assessment role 11. Certify al corrections of error under state law (Wis. Stat. 70.43) 12. Verify with the assessor that open book changes are included in the assessment role. 13. Taxpayer review of assessment data if requested. 14. Review assessment roll (examine roll, correct description, or calculation errors, add omitted property, eliminate double assessed property) 15. Consideration of; 1. Waivers of the required 48-hour notice of intent to file an objection when there is good cause; 2. Requests for waiver of BOR hearing allowing property owner to appeal directly to court; 3. Requests to testify by telephone or submit a sworn statement; 4. Subpoena requests. 16. Receive notices of intent to file objection. 17. Hear objections if proper notice or waiver given. 18. Adjourn Meeting notice posted this 30th th day of August 2023. Comments are closed.
December 2024