Meeting Minutes from Nov 7th 2023 Meeting Minutes November 7th Budget Hearing and Regular Meeting Minutes Budget Hearing:
Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana and Jeff. Brad called the budget hearing to order. Town residents present were reminded to sign into the meeting. Brad and Jeff addressed a $1,000.00 increase to the election budget out of the remaining highway budget. The board agreed with the change to meet the needs of the election expenses. Kenny M. asked about the highway budget and how the funds would be allocated for next year's projects. Kiel made a motion to approve the total balanced budget of $482,848.02. Steve seconded the motion, Motion was voted on and was carried unanimously. Kiel made a motion to approve the general levy and loan levy for a total of $163,457.00. Steve seconded the motion, Motion was voted on and was carried unanimously. Kiel made a motion to approve the GTA Funds/Public Works Budget of $327,603.36. Steve seconded the motion , Motion was voted on and was carried unanimously. Kiel made a motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing, Steve seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Meeting Adjourned. Regular Monthly meeting: Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana and Jeff. Brad called the meeting to order, and Jeff read the previous minutes without corrections. Kiel approved, Steve seconded, motion carried. Dana read the Treasurer's report and confirmed that the clerk and treasurer reports were balanced. No licenses or permits were brought forward. Public comment was opened, and Kenny M. discussed attending the County Highway meeting and the idea of making 350th a temporary county road during bridge closures, due to extra truck and car traffic. No other public comment. Survey work was discussed by the Surveyor, the town board, and Jim S. (Huron Owner.) Matters of property line issues with a neighboring landowner were discussed and deemed valuable for contacting the county about. Those issues however would not impact the sale of the property by Huron Bar, and the board agreed to have the surveyor continue to move forward with formal stakes/county recording. Should be done in December. Budget was also addressed in the monthly meeting as well. Kiel made a motion to approve the total balanced budget, total tax/loan levy, and the GTA/Public Works Budget for the town of Colburn for 2024. Steve seconded, motion was voted on and carried unanimously. Emergency Operations Plans were discussed with the board without corrections. Kiel made a motion to approve, Steve seconded, motion carried unanimously via vote. Road work was discussed between highway crew and board: Grand work for 350th street was submitted and we would be waiting to hear back about that. The town truck was fixed and brought back.Dale state the pressure washer needed some repairs and he would be calling the company this week. Dale also discussed purchasing new blades for the snow season. Brad also brought up planning for no parking signs on Otter Lake road before winter ice fishing season. No more road work. Brad discussed the Stanley FIre contract would be brought up at the next meeting along with the Dog Contract. Brad did address that Joe L. was going to be done being the recycling center worker as of Jan 1st. , and that the town would need to explore options for a replacement. Next meeting date is set for December 5th at 7:00 PM. Keil made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded, Motion carried meeting adjourned. Comments are closed.
August 2024