Ordinance establishing fire protection charges for the Town of Colburn in Chippewa County, WI. It is hereby ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Colburn, Chippewa County, Wisconsin, as follows : Section 1. Authority : This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted town boards under s. 60 .55(2)(b), Wis. Stats . which allows towns to recover the cost of fire calls made to property within the town. Section 2 . Liability for Fire Protection Costs: The Town of Colburn, Chippewa County, Wisconsin , hereby imposes a charge for each fire call made within the limits of the Town of Colburn. Such fee shall be for the actual cost to the Town for the fire . If the call is to real estate located within the Town, the charges shall be imposed on all owners of the real estate to which the particular fire call is made . In the event that a fire call is not made to real estate located within the Town, but is instead made to a vehicle located on a public road within the Town, the charges provided for under this ordinance shall be imposed on all owners of such vehicle. Section 3. Payment of Fire Call Fee: The fire call charges provided for in this ordinance shall be paid in full to the Clerk of the Town of Colburn no later than 60 days after the date of the particular fire call. The failure to pay the bill within 60 days will result in interest being charged at the rate of 1 1/2 percent per month from the date of the bill. Those bills for fire calls to real estate, including interest, that remain outstanding for more than 90 days as ofNovember 1 of any year shall become a lien against the real estate and shall be placed on the tax roll as a delinquent special charge under s. 66 .0627, Wis . Stat. Section 4 . Severability: Should any section or provisions of this ordinance be declared invalid for any reason; such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date: This ordinance shall become effective upon adoption and publication or posting, as provided by law, pursuant to s. 60.80, Wis. Stat. Date of Passage: April 10, 2018 Vote For: 3 Vote Against: 0 Not Voting: 0
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December 2024