Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes September Regular Monthly Meeting (09/05/2023) Members present were Brad, Kiel, Steve, Dana, and Jeff. Jeff read the meeting minutes from the last meeting. Kiel made a motion to accept the minutes, Steve seconded, motion carried unanimously. Dana read the treasurer's report, and confirmed for the board that the Clerk and Treasurer reports balance. Public comment period was opened and town resident Kenny Mahalko discussed how he noticed 190th and S was cleaned up for brush. He also discussed how he had read in the Dairy Star that road grants were now available for applications. He also stated that he was at the county board meeting to discuss making 350th a temporary county road during the G bridge construction next year. Kenny also stated that 350th road also was going to be the temporary ice age trail during the reconstruction phase as well and he felt the road should be redone to make it better for users. Town resident Danny Lisky brought forward information about boat inspections being done on Otter Lake for Invasive Species, the success of 550 meals at the annual chicken dinner for a raising total of $9,000.00. He also stated that the CVEC solar field near Stanley would produce enough electricity for much of the township or about 600 homes. No more public comment. No licenses or permits were brought forward. Brad discussed Cell Phone service, and after contacting other townships by Holcombe, he got a new contact to cell phone service companies. The discussion led to Verizon contact stating to Brad that the best route is to contact legislatures, continue to file complaints, and to keep some pressure on the companies in hopes of future endeavors. Brad discussed that Ntera plans to be at the October meeting now and not tonight. Brad brought up the Mobile Home Ordinance and made changes to clarify the acres size, the sale of the permit, people living in campers, and the issue of a trailer park ordinance. The board and township discussed the $30,000 minimum price, the issue with not removing the dilapidated buildings from the property when no longer in use, and the permit holders not having the buyer reapplying after purchasing it. Kiel discussed revisions of the new permit after the sale of the property, 1 per parcel of property, and a size of lot restrictions. The ordinance would be reviewed in October. Brad read verbatim, the Confidentiality of income and expenses Ordinance for assessor/BOR. Kiel made a motion to approve the state statute ordinance as read. Steve seconded, Motion carried unanimously. Brad discussed with the board the idea of purchasing the land behind the hall for future building needs. The purchase from Schiedler's Huron Tavern land was discussed and Kiel made a motion to approve, Steve seconded, motion was carried unanimously, and the price of $20,000 was stated for the record. Recycling Center Costs were discussed amongst the board. Prices and cost changes were discussed and the new free county recycling programs were brought up as well. The board discussed that Bags of garbage under 30 gallons were agreed on at $3 and bags between 30 and 55 gallons were set at $5. Recycling would not change and would still be free, but as of Jan 1st 2024 only bagged garbage in the listed sizes would be accepted. Collection of non bagged garbage would not be accepted as well. Kiel made a motion to accept the proposed changes listed above. Steve seconded the motion, Motion carried unanimously. Road work was discussed amongst the board and the highway crew. Brushing services should be coming to an end soon. Signs on Pike Lake and Otter Lake were discussed and should be set up soon. Reimbursement for road projects was talked about, and the funds should be coming shortly. Steep bank signs by Pike Lake and other signage plans were discussed by the highway crew as well. Patching culvert replacement for the 2nd week of September was planned to speed the reimbursement process along. The work on Zubal Road was planned for the next few weeks, and the work on 350th was also noted as completed. Next meeting date was set for October 3rd. Kiel made a motion to adjourn, Steve seconded the motion, motion carried and meeting was adjourned. Comments are closed.
August 2024