NOTICE TOWN OF COLBURN The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board will be held Tuesday, September 14th, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., at the Colburn Town Hall. The agenda will include: 1. Call to Order.
2. Reading and approval of minutes of previous meeting. 3. Presentation of Treasurer’s Report & Clerk’s Balance Statement. 4. Public Comment. Public comment is limited to the public comment period of the meeting. Public comment can be made on agenda items which may considered by the board during its deliberation of the agenda item. Please note that the board may not act on a public comment regarding a non-agenda item. 5. Act on any license & permit requests. 6. Discuss and act on Town Hall roof replacement 7. American Rescue Plan Act-ARPA Funds 8. Road work discussion & update. 9. Confirm scope of 170th project-2021/2022 10. Confirm remainder of 2021 plan/budget 11. Review/Approve Bills, Payroll & Receipts. 12. Schedule Next Meeting. 13. Adjournment. Meeting notice posted this 11th day of August 2021. Comments are closed.
December 2024